When I first saw Francisco Goya's Dog painting I felt like crying. Goya was an often violent man and this painting for me shows that trait. The little dog is cowering in the shadow of a figure you can almost see looming over him. Goya painted this on the wall of his home in the plaster. Was the dog right in front of him with the fire light catching the his outline? See for yourself in the photo attached.
I love painting dogs. Capturing their personallity is a challenge just as are portraits of humans. The gestures they make with their bodys tell quite a tale.
Today I was taking video of the Jack Russel we are fostering. I was trying to capture her running gate. Her legs fly every which way when she runs. I hope to make a painting of her later.
Here is one of Mama a chihuahua we had for a while. She loved to lie on her back and get a belly rub.
Will my personality show in my art as did Goyas?