Shrink paper art of "Tiled Jerry" is in the Square Foot Show at Westland Gallery in Wortley village, 156 Wortley Rd til August 3rd.
People are interested in how I made this art piece. I am working with shrink plastic. (See prior blog) It is # 6 plastic which is sanded on one side. Coloured pencil is used here to draw the image on 8x11 sheets.
You can see the shrunk piece in the corner. Here is large sheet up close.
Just draw lightly on sanded side of plastic as the colour intensifies when shrunk.
Place the plastic on a Parchment covered cookie tray and bake in a 325* oven for 3 minutes
This is the plastic after it is shrunk. Add them all together and you have Square foot painting of "Tiled Jerry"