Kits Art

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Shrink art

My grandson Brennan and I were making dog tags for our Dogs out of Shrinky Dink. It is a plastic that you can draw on with coloured pencil, pastel and marker. When you put the sheets of plastic in the oven they shrink and the colour gets intense the plastic also thickens

I thought, "an artist might be able to do something good with this". Brennan kindly gave me a sheet.

I cut it in half and with coloured pencil I drew a wolf on one and a lion on the other.  Here is the result .

I put them in the Portside Gallery Miniature show and the wolf won honourable mention.
Here is a closeup.

1 comment:

  1. very cool they are too, I wondered what the support was...thanks for sharing!
