Kits Art

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Judging Art

Entering art shows is always a nervous time for artists. We make our art alone with little or no feedback. Sometimes a relative or friend will comment on the piece and even that can be traumatic. But to enter a show with your peers is very unnerving.
There are two types of art shows, juried an un-juried.
A juried show is one in which a special person is selected by the show and looks at all the entries, selecting the ones they think would make the best art show. The criteria for the choice may come from the people putting on the show, but the juror makes the final choice. For instance, space may be limited and the juror may have to be ruthless in choosing the art. The juror may prefer landscape to portrait or watercolour to oil.
A good Juror would try to pick each piece on its own merit. There will always be a bias no mater who picks the art.
Did you know that in the majority of art shows the artist pays an entry fee to have their art juried. This fee is to cover costs of putting on the show.
A non juried show will still cost an entry fee but will always be accepted. In this type of show the art may be judged by an expert and ribbons and prizes received.
Either type of show is still nerve racking for the artist. "Will my art be accepted. Why wasn’t it accepted. Why did they accept my art last year and not this year. "
I entered two juried art shows this year and the Jass London Juried Art Show at Museum London accepted one of my pieces. This is the first time my art was accepted at this show. It is a fund raiser put on by the Volunteer Committee of Museum London Ontario.
Show date is November 10 to 21, 2010. Reception is Wed Nov. 10 7-9 p.m. Tickets are $10.00

Here is the entry that was accepted. Hope you will come and judge my art too. or maybe not....

Or Look here at all the art